
Class 10 Physics Atomic and Nuclear Physics

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Class 9Class 10First YearSecond Year
18.13.Nuclearfusionreactionismorereliableandsustainablesourceofenergythannuclearfissionchainreaction.Justifythisstatementwithplausiblearguments.18.13. Nuclear fusion reaction is more reliable and sustainable source of energy than nuclear fission chain reaction. Justify this statement with plausible arguments.

18.9. What is meant by background radiations? Enlist some sources of background radiations.
18.9. What is meant by background radiations? Enlist some sources of background radiations.

18.9.Whatismeantbybackgroundradiations?Enlistsomesourcesofbackgroundradiations.18.9. What is meant by background radiations? Enlist some sources of background radiations.

18.4. What is the difference between natural and artificial radioactivity?
18.4. What is the difference between natural and artificial radioactivity?

18.4.Whatisthedifferencebetweennaturalandartificialradioactivity?18.4. What is the difference between natural and artificial radioactivity?

18.7. What do you understand by half-life of a radioactive element?
18.7. What do you understand by half-life of a radioactive element?

18.7.Whatdoyouunderstandbyhalflifeofaradioactiveelement?18.7. What do you understand by half-life of a radioactive element?

18.12. Complete this nuclear reaction: { }_{92}^{2 s} U \longrightarrow{ }_{54} X+?+2{ }_{5} \mathrm{n} . Does this react involve fission or fusion? Justify your answer.
18.12. Complete this nuclear reaction:  { }_{92}^{2 s} U \longrightarrow{ }_{54} X+?+2{ }_{5} \mathrm{n} . Does this react involve fission or fusion? Justify your answer.

18.12.Completethisnuclearreaction:922sU54X+?+25n.Doesthisreactinvolvefissionorfusion?Justifyyouranswer.18.12. Complete this nuclear reaction: { }_{92}^{2 s} U \longrightarrow{ }_{54} X+?+2{ }_{5} \mathrm{n} . Does this react involve fission or fusion? Justify your answer.

vii. Release of energy by the Sun is due to(a) nuclear fission(b) nuclear fusion(c) burning of gases(d) chemical reaction
vii. Release of energy by the Sun is due to(a) nuclear fission(b) nuclear fusion(c) burning of gases(d) chemical reaction

vii.ReleaseofenergybytheSunisdueto(a)nuclearfission(b)nuclearfusion(c)burningofgases(d)chemicalreactionvii. Release of energy by the Sun is due to(a) nuclear fission(b) nuclear fusion(c) burning of gases(d) chemical reaction

18.7. How much of a 1 \mathrm{~g} sample of pure radioactive substance would be left undecayed after four half-lives?
18.7. How much of a  1 \mathrm{~g}  sample of pure radioactive substance would be left undecayed after four half-lives?

18.7.Howmuchofa1 gsampleofpureradioactivesubstancewouldbeleftundecayedafterfourhalflives?18.7. How much of a 1 \mathrm{~g} sample of pure radioactive substance would be left undecayed after four half-lives?

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