
First Year Physics Physical Optics

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Class 9Class 10First YearSecond Year
9.2HowisthedistancebetweeninterferencefringesaffectedbytheseparationbetweentheslitsofYoungsexperiment?Canfringesdisappear?9.2 How is the distance between interference fringes affected by the separation between the slits of Youngs experiment? Can fringes disappear?

9.1 Under what conditions two or more sources of light behave as coherent sources?
9.1 Under what conditions two or more sources of light behave as coherent sources?

9.1Underwhatconditionstwoormoresourcesoflightbehaveascoherentsources?9.1 Under what conditions two or more sources of light behave as coherent sources?

9.6 A light is incident normally on a grating which has 2500 lines per centimetre. Compute the wavelength of a spectral line for which the deviation in second order is 15.0^{\circ} .
 9.6  A light is incident normally on a grating which has 2500 lines per centimetre. Compute the wavelength of a spectral line for which the deviation in second order is  15.0^{\circ} .

9.6Alightisincidentnormallyonagratingwhichhas2500linespercentimetre.Computethewavelengthofaspectrallineforwhichthedeviationinsecondorderis15.0. 9.6 A light is incident normally on a grating which has 2500 lines per centimetre. Compute the wavelength of a spectral line for which the deviation in second order is 15.0^{\circ} .

15. When crest of one wave falls over the trough of the other wave this phenomenon is known asa) Polarizationb) Constructive interferencec) Destructive interferenced) Diffraction
15. When crest of one wave falls over the trough of the other wave this phenomenon is known asa) Polarizationb) Constructive interferencec) Destructive interferenced) Diffraction

15.Whencrestofonewavefallsoverthetroughoftheotherwavethisphenomenonisknownasa)Polarizationb)Constructiveinterferencec)Destructiveinterferenced)Diffraction15. When crest of one wave falls over the trough of the other wave this phenomenon is known asa) Polarizationb) Constructive interferencec) Destructive interferenced) Diffraction

77. When a soap film (or oil film) on water is observed in day light it exhibits beautiful colours due to:a) Dispersionb) Refractionc) Reflectiond) Interference
77. When a soap film (or oil film) on water is observed in day light it exhibits beautiful colours due to:a) Dispersionb) Refractionc) Reflectiond) Interference

77.Whenasoapfilm(oroilfilm)onwaterisobservedindaylightitexhibitsbeautifulcoloursdueto:a)Dispersionb)Refractionc)Reflectiond)Interference77. When a soap film (or oil film) on water is observed in day light it exhibits beautiful colours due to:a) Dispersionb) Refractionc) Reflectiond) Interference

22. The blue to the sky is due toa) Diffractionb) Reflectionc) Polarizationd) Scattering
22. The blue to the sky is due toa) Diffractionb) Reflectionc) Polarizationd) Scattering

22.Thebluetotheskyisduetoa)Diffractionb)Reflectionc)Polarizationd)Scattering22. The blue to the sky is due toa) Diffractionb) Reflectionc) Polarizationd) Scattering

52. Which of the following demonstrates that light waves are transverse waves?a) Interferenceb) Polarizationc) Diffractiond) Reflection
52. Which of the following demonstrates that light waves are transverse waves?a) Interferenceb) Polarizationc) Diffractiond) Reflection

52.Whichofthefollowingdemonstratesthatlightwavesaretransversewaves?a)Interferenceb)Polarizationc)Diffractiond)Reflection52. Which of the following demonstrates that light waves are transverse waves?a) Interferenceb) Polarizationc) Diffractiond) Reflection

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