Biology is considered an interdisciplinary science, which is related to other sciences and is, therefore, a multidimensional subject, the best example to support this is, the movement of animals follows the laws of motion in physics. Some of these are mentioned below:
Biophysics: It is a branch of physics, in which laws and techniques of physics are applied to explain the processes of life.
Biomathematics/Biometry: The branch of mathematics collects data on living organisms and plays an important role in research.
Biochemistry: It is a branch of biology that deals with the study of molecules that form living organisms or cells.
Biogeography: It deals with the distribution of different living organisms in different geographical regions of the world.
Bio-economics: It is the study of how the world and human economic study are connected, The ultimate goal of bioeconomic is to find ways to promote both economic growth and environmental sustainability.