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Components of human food


Holozoic nutrition is a type of heterotrophic nutrition. Heterotrophic organisms must acquire and take all the organic substances they need to survive.

There are seven major classes of nutrients: carbohydrates, protein, fats, minerals, fiber, vitamins, and water


Carbohydrates are important for our body and provide us with energy. They are generally divided into two categories:

  • simple carbohydrates are found in sugary foods like fruits, sugar, and processed grains and are digested quickly.

  • complex carbohydrates are found in vegetables, grains, and beans and are digested slowly.


  • Proteins are made up of building blocks called amino acids, there are 20 different types of amino acids, and the body can make some of them, but 9 of them must be obtained from the diet and are called "essential" amino acids.

  • proteins are more complex than carbohydrates. Because they are complex, it takes the body longer to break them down, making them a longer-lasting source of energy compared to carbohydrates.

  • Functions:

    • Proteins are important for maintaining and repairing body tissues and their functions.

    • They are not typically used for energy, but in the absence of enough calories from other sources like carbohydrates or fats, the body may use proteins for energy.


  • Fats are molecules composed of fatty acids and glycerol.

  • Fats are a type of food that gives the body a lot of energy, but it takes a bit longer for the body to use them compared to other types of food.

  • The body deposits excess fat in the abdomen and under the skin to use when it needs more energy.

  • Extra fat can also get deposited in blood vessels and within organs, where it can block blood flow and damage organs, often causing serious disorders.

  • Functions:

    • The body needs fats for growth and energy.

    • The body uses fats to synthesize hormones and other substances needed for the body's activities.

  • sources:

    • fatty cuts of beef and lamb

    • high-fat dairy foods

    • poultry skin

    • tropical oils


  • Vitamins are essential micronutrients that our bodies required to stay healthy and grow properly

  • Vitamins play a key role in body health and development, and several diseases are caused by the deficiency of vitamins.

  • They are divided into two types:

    • Fat-soluble Vitamins: Vitamins that are soluble in organic solvents are called Fat-soluble vitamins. Examples are vitamins A, D, E, and K.

    • Water soluble Vitamins: Vitamins that are soluble in water are called water-soluble vitamins. Examples are vitamins B and C.

Deficiencies related to important vitamins


  • Minerals are naturally occurring solid inorganic substances, which are very important for human health. Minerals are found in a variety of foods including dairy and meat products.

  • Essential minerals are

    • calcium

    • iron

    • zinc

    • iodine

    • chromium

  • Deficiencies can result in serious health conditions such as brittle bones and poor blood oxygen levels.


  • Calcium metabolism involves the movements and regulation of calcium ions in various body com[partments. Calcium is important for healthy bones and teeth

  • Eating foods that are rich in calcium, low in salt, and high in potassium may help prevent high blood pressure and kidney stones.

  • Sources:

    • Milk, cheese, and other dairy foods

    • Green leafy vegetables

    • Soya beans

    • Nuts

    • Bread Fish

  • Deficiency symptoms are:

    • Dizziness and fainting

    • Chest pains

    • Numbness and tingling sensations around the mouth or in the fingers and toes

    • Difficulty swallowing

    • Voice changes due to spasms of the larynx

    • Wheezing

    • Muscle cramps leading to muscle spasms (tetany)


  • Iron is the main component of hemoglobin in red blood cells and myoglobin in the muscle cells

  • It helps in the storage and transport of oxygen.

  • Sources:

    • Beans and lentils

    • Dark green leafy vegetables such as spinach

    • Tofu (derived from soya)

  • Deficiency symptoms of iron are

    • Headache, fatigue, and dizziness

    • pale skin

    • shortness of breath, tachycardia, and chest pain

    • Brittle nails

    • Poor appetite in infants


  • Water is the most essential compound for our body, it is very important to drink enough water every day to keep our bodies healthy

  • Water plays a key role in the movement of nutrients, hormones, and oxygen through our bodies

  • It helps in maintaining the temperature

  • Dehydration can lead to many health diseases