Periodic table has been divided into four block s block, P block, d block and f block
These gases are very un-reactive because of their electronic configuration. These gases have complete outermost shell which means there is no further space for any electron - so if any element does not lose or gain electron that element is known as inert or unreactive - so Nobel gases are.
Representative Elements
S and p Block elements are known as representative elements.
S - Block elements - We call IA and IIA groups - s block elements because the last electrons goes to s-subshell in these two groups. For IA and for IIA electronic configuration means in IA group there is one electron in outermost shell and for IIA group there two electrons in outermost shell which can be lost/donated.
P block Elements - IIIA to VII groups in periodic table known as P- block elements. In these groups last electron goes to p-subshell. Electronic configuration for these group from to
d - block Elements - d block elements are also known as outer- transition elements. In these elements last electron always goes to d- subshell. It consist of three series.
f - block Elements -They are known as inner -transition elements as well. Last electron goes to f-subshell and it consist of two series
1- Actinides
2- Lanthanides