Conversion Graphs
In conversion graphs, simply consider that the graphs are linear and also both the quantities are in direct proportion.
Read it as Every unit change in x coordinate value there is proportional change in y-coordinate value.
For example: Read the following conversion graph between miles and kilometers to approximately convert:
2 miles to kilometers
5 miles to kilometers
3 kilometers to miles
7 kilometers to miles
By using the given scale:
Scale: 5 small squares - 1 miles along x-axis 5 small squares = 1 kilometer along y-axis
For this concept first understand the scale of the given graph.
On y-axis we have kilometers and on x-axis we have miles.
Read the graph as same as plotting the points. Since the linear graph is provided.
We can see that 1miles is approximately equals to 1.6 kilometers by this graph.
So it is clear that
Now put the given values of one variables in the above equations and find the values of missing variables.
Or just read the graph, Which is easier, to find the other values.
2 miles approx to 3.2km
5 miles approx to 8 km
3 kilometers approx to 1.8 miles
7 kilometers approx to 4.2 miles
For example: Read the following conversion graph between US dollars and Pakistani rupees to approximately convert:
to Rs
to Rs
Rs to
Rs to
By using the given scale:
Scale: 5 small squares - 1 US() along x-axis 5 small squares = 300 Rs along y-axis
On y-axis we have Rs and on x-axis we have US .
We can see that 1 US is approximately equals to 300 Rs by this graph.
So it is clear that
Now put the given values of one variables in the above equations and find the values of missing variables.
Or just read the graph, Which is easier, to find the other values.
approx to Rs
approx to Rs
Rs approx to
Rs approx to