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Energy Sources And Transfer Of Energy




Efficiency is defined as the ratio of output to the input is called Efficiency. Efficiency is denoted by symbol η\eta.


Consider a system in which some energy ‘E1E_1’ is supplied to it as an ‘input’ and the system returns back some energy ‘E2E_2’ as output. the expression for efficiency of such system is given as follows:

Efficiency=  output  energyinputenergyEfficiency = \frac {\;output \;energy}{ input energy }


%η=EoutputEinput×100\% \eta = \frac {E_{output}}{E_{input}} \times 100

%η=E1E2x100\boxed{\%\eta= \frac{E_1}{E_2} \, \text{x} \,100}

  • As it is the ratio of two energies therefore it has no unit.

  • No machine is 100% efficient because some energy is always wasted in the form of heat, sound or light etc.


INPUT: We give electric energy as input to the electric motor in washing machines and in drilling machines.

OUTPUT: The output is the motor moving the load.

LOSS: Energy is wasted in the form of heat and sound.