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Forces And Matter




“The force acting normally per unit area on the surface of a body is called ‘pressure’ ”.


“Pressure is the amount of force applied per unit area of a surface. It is the force exerted perpendicular to the surface of an object in contact with another object or fluid”.


If “FF” is the magnitude of a force exerted perpendicular to a given surface of area “AA”, then the pressure “PP” equals to the force divided by the area:

Pressure=ForceAreaPressure = \Large \frac{Force}{Area}

P=FA\boxed{P= \frac{F}{A}}

  • Pressure is a scalar quantity. It’s S.I unit is N/m2N/m^2, which is also called Pascal (Pa)\text{Pascal (Pa)}.

  • Pressure is directly proportional to the force. Larger the force on body, greater will be the pressure.

  • Pressure is inversely proportional to the area of surface. Smaller the area, greater will be the pressure.


  • The pressure exerted by the tip of pencil or that of the nail is large due to very small surface area.

  • When came in contact with an object a fast moving bullet exerts huge pressure due to the small area of its tip and massive force.

  • An elephant has broad soles to reduce the pressure exerted on the ground.

  • Ice skates have blades in the part that is in contact with ice. Therefore the skater's weight is concentrated on a small area and produce high pressure below the blades. This helps skater to skim over the ice.