
Class 9 Physics Kinematics

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Class 9Class 10First YearSecond Year
WorkedExample7Aballisthrownverticallyupwardwithvelocityof12ms1.TheballwillbeslowingdownduetopullofEarthsgravityonitandwillreturnbacktoEarth.Findoutthetimetheballwilltaketoreachthemaximumheight.Worked Example 7A ball is thrown vertically upward with velocity of 12 \mathrm{ms}^{-1} . The ball will be slowing down due to pull of Earths gravity on it and will return back to Earth.Find out the time the ball will take to reach the maximum height.

EXAMPLE 2.4 A car starts from rest. Its velocity becomes 20 \mathrm{~ms} in 8 \mathrm{~s} . Find its acceleration.
EXAMPLE  2.4 A car starts from rest. Its velocity becomes  20 \mathrm{~ms}  in  8 \mathrm{~s} . Find its acceleration.

EXAMPLE2.4Acarstartsfromrest.Itsvelocitybecomes20 msin8 s.Finditsacceleration.EXAMPLE 2.4 A car starts from rest. Its velocity becomes 20 \mathrm{~ms} in 8 \mathrm{~s} . Find its acceleration.

b) Why gravity is taken negative for an object moving in upward direction?
b) Why gravity is taken negative for an object moving in upward direction?

b)Whygravityistakennegativeforanobjectmovinginupwarddirection?b) Why gravity is taken negative for an object moving in upward direction?

b) How represent vector quantities are represented graphically?
b) How represent vector quantities are represented graphically?

b)Howrepresentvectorquantitiesarerepresentedgraphically?b) How represent vector quantities are represented graphically?

a) Define motion under gravity?
a) Define motion under gravity?

a)Definemotionundergravity?a) Define motion under gravity?

iv.If an object is moving with constant speed then its distance-time graph will be a straight line.(a) along time-axis(b) along distance-axis(c) parallel to time-axis(d) inclined to time-axis
iv.If an object is moving with constant speed then its distance-time graph will be a straight line.(a) along time-axis(b) along distance-axis(c) parallel to time-axis(d) inclined to time-axis

iv.Ifanobjectismovingwithconstantspeedthenitsdistancetimegraphwillbeastraightline.(a)alongtimeaxis(b)alongdistanceaxis(c)paralleltotimeaxis(d)inclinedtotimeaxisiv.If an object is moving with constant speed then its distance-time graph will be a straight line.(a) along time-axis(b) along distance-axis(c) parallel to time-axis(d) inclined to time-axis

EXAMPLE 2.12A bicycle accelerates at 1 \mathrm{~ms}^{-2} from an initial velocity of 4 \mathrm{~ms}^{-1} for 10 \mathrm{~s} . Find the distance moved by it during this interval of time.
EXAMPLE 2.12A bicycle accelerates at  1 \mathrm{~ms}^{-2}  from an initial velocity of  4 \mathrm{~ms}^{-1}  for  10 \mathrm{~s} . Find the distance moved by it during this interval of time.

EXAMPLE2.12Abicycleacceleratesat1 ms2fromaninitialvelocityof4 ms1for10 s.Findthedistancemovedbyitduringthisintervaloftime.EXAMPLE 2.12A bicycle accelerates at 1 \mathrm{~ms}^{-2} from an initial velocity of 4 \mathrm{~ms}^{-1} for 10 \mathrm{~s} . Find the distance moved by it during this interval of time.

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