Maths Trick Part 1
Maths Trick Part 2
1.01 Force And Motion (Kinematics)
1.02 Force And Motion (Dynamics-A)
1.03 Force And Motion (Dynamics-B)
1.04 Force And Motion (work sheet)
1.05 Motion And Force (Projectile Motion)
2.01 Work, Power And Energy (Work And Its Types)
2.02 Work, Power And Energy (Energy And Its Types)
2.03 Work, Power And Energy (Work sheet)
3.01 Rotational And Circular Motion
3.02 Projectile And Circular Motion (worksheet)
4.01 Waves (Simple Harmonic Motion) Part-A
4.02 Waves (Simple Harmonic Motion) Part-B
4.03 Waves ( Waves And Its Types)
4.04 Waves (Sound And Characteristics)
4.05 Waves (Speed Of Sound And Dopplers Effect)
4.06 Waves (Work Sheet)
5.01 Heat And Thermodynamics (Heat)
5.02 Heat And Thermodynamics (Kinematics Of Gases)
5.03 Heat And Thermodynamics (Types Of Heat)
5.04 Heat And Thermodynamics (Laws Of Thermodynamics)
5.05 Heat And Thermodynamics (2nd Law Of thermodynamics and Heat Engine)
5.06 Heat And Thermodynamics (Work Sheet)
6.01 Electrostatics (Charges And Its Characteristics)
6.02 Electrostatics (Electric Flux)
6.03 Electrostatics (Capacitors And Its Types)
6.04 Electrostatics (Work Sheet)
7.01 Current Electricity (Current And Its Dynamics)
7.02 Current Electricity (EMF And Resistors)
7.03.Current Electricity (Work Sheet)
8.01 Electromagnetism (Magnetism And Its Laws)
8.02 Electromagnetism (Force Due To Magnetic Field And Direction)
8.03 Electromagnetism (Ampere’s Law And Its Application)
8.04 Electromagnetism (Work Sheet)
9.01 Electromagnetic Induction (Electromagnetic Induction And Its Types)
9.02 Electromagnetic Induction (Applications Of Electromagnetic Induction)
9.03 Electromagnetic Induction (Work Sheet)
10.01 Electronics (Fundamentals Of Semiconductors And Junction) Old
10.02 Electronics (Biasing And Rectification) Old
10.03 Electronics (Band Theory & Semiconductors)
10.04 Electronics (Diode & Rectification)
10.05 Electronics (Work Sheet)
11.01 Modern Physics (Frame Of Reference, Relativity And Photoelectric Effect) Old
11.02 Modern Physics (Experiments Of Particle Interaction With Matter) Old
11.03 Modern Physics (Work Sheet)
11.04 Modern Physics (Basic Understating & Equations)
11.05 Modern Physics (Energy-Matter Interaction-I)
11.06 Modern Physics (Energy-Matter Interaction-II)
12.01 Atomic Spectra (Spectrum and Bohrs theory) old
12.02 Atomic Spectra (Laser With Its Dimensions) old
12.03 Atomic Spectra (Work Sheet)
12.04 Atomic Spectra (Bohr’s Atomic Model)
12.05 Atomic Spectra (Spectrum & Spectral Series)
13.01 Nuclear Physics (Radioactivity With Law Of Decay)
13.02 Nuclear Physics (Nuclear Reactions And Reactors)
13.03 Nuclear Physics (Work Sheet)
Physics Grand Test 1 - MDCAT part 1
Physics Grand Test 1 - MDCAT part 2
Physics Grand Test 2 - MDCAT part 1
Physics Grand Test 2 - MDCAT part 2
Physics Grand Test 3 - MDCAT part 1
Physics Grand Test 3 - MDCAT part 2